Sunday, May 31, 2009

oh..Kak Jue

Assalamualaikum semua,

baper hari yg lps kak jue tag aku..skrg aku nk kne jwb la kot soklan2 yg kak jue bg..hehehhehe..soklan nye gni, kalau ada tanda rait je kat each box:

Go to your photos folder in your computer. [/]
Go to the 6th folder of photos. [/]
Go to the 6th picture in that folder.
Put the picture on your blog and a description of it. [/]
Invite six friends to join the challenge. [X]
Link them in your blog and let them know they have been challenged
. [X]

ok..lets c apekah gamba yg kena :)

hehehhehe…ni adelah menara tom yam yg kitorg panggil masa sekola dulu..bile mlm je, penuh lampu kat keliling menara ni..mcm lampu kedai mkn, and bila tiap2 weekends tpt ni jd port yg seswai bile parents dtg bwk mkn2 tuk anak dia..termasukla aku..hehhehehe…mcm berkelah2 kalau mkn kat cni :) suke2..dulu menara ni xde la cntek mcm skrg la aku kuar kusess year 2002, skrg dh 2009 so mestila byk perubahan dh berlaku..

bestnyer zmn skolah dulu :) sonok sgt..nk tepek gak la gmba sekola sket..hehhehe..tgk..kak jue mintak gamba yg ke-6, gmba ke-7 pon sy boleh la sekolah aku dr f1 sampai f5..dulu papan tanda tu xdela gtu..skrg ni kot bru ubah..

** aku mls la nk tag sape2..sape nk jawab, dialu2kan k..


1 comment:

limaedua said...

wah..gmba ke7 pn ade? musti sronok ek klu tgk gmba2 dlu..