Tuesday, July 14, 2009

award ke sekian kalinye

dapat award dari adeq..my coursemate masa undergrad dulu..adeq yg ala2 mcm aku tu..hhehehe...tp aku tinggi sket dr dia :)) hhahahahahha..geng2 anyam ketupat, buat bising n yg plg pntg skali adeq ni student fevret en tamrin..slalu bodek2 nk markah tinggi..hahhahahaha!!

rules dia senang je..xpyh jenuh2 nk generate rules dr rosetta..hik hik hik..kadang2 aku pon nk tergelak kalau dpt award..bkn ape..blog aku ni pon bukannya mengandungi bahan2 ilmiah sgt..bak kata kak zen lebih kepada bertemakan gedik santai...hahahhaha...so bile dapat awrd mcm best blog awrd, mcm xseswai lak..hehhehe...tp, terima je la dh owang nk bg kan..hhehehehe


1) Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award and his or her blog link.

award from adeq, my life my soul

2) Pass the award to 15 other blogs that you’ve newly discovered. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.

dan mereka yg bertuah telah terpilih ialah:

silalah terima award ini :) xcukup 15..xkesah la...bkn masuk xm pon..

ok dadaa~

lots of love:

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